Bloggers use Google analytics?

Have you heard about Google Analytics? 

It is a web analytic service offered by Google and many marketers, business owners and bloggers use this tool to have better insights of their customer base. What Google Analytics provides are not as simple to explain with one blog post but basically it keeps track of all the traffics coming in to the web page(i.e. company's website) and gives a grand visibility such as or website visitors or customers' age, sex, demographics, language, lifestyle information.

If you want to learn more about it, visit here:

Google Analytics provide diverse types of marketing products on their platform and from this blog post, I will talk briefly about "Survey" product. Survey on Google marketing platform helps marketers, business owners, and bloggers like me conduct market research fast and easy. Understanding who your customers are and what they like and not are important to make smart business decisions which will lead businesses to increase their revenues. Traditional market research can take a long time to get audiences' feedback and it can be expensive as well. With Google Analytics' Survey, businesses can have faster and effective indirect communication with their customers and they can provide what customers are asking for.

Here is a link for more information:


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